Club Meetings
The Shropshire Association of Woodturners meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at Bicton Village Hall between Shrewsbury and Montford Bridge (see location map). Dates and times of the meetings are listed on the ‘Calendar’ page and we have regular demonstrations by nationally known professional wood turners. Club Nights, when there is no professional demonstration or talk, provide an opportunity to exchange ideas with other club members and there may be a woodcraft related related theme to these evenings (ie. carving, colouring, finishing, etc.). The club has excellent audio visual equipment which ensures that everyone has a good view of what is happening on the lathe, regardless of where they are seated, on two flat screen TVs. Tea, coffee and a bar are available at ‘half time’. Where it has not been possible to meet face-to-face for any reason, Club Meetings, including demonstrations by professional turners, have continued online via Zoom.