January 2023
Club Theme Night -
Sharpening Equipment
There were 30 people, including several first-time visitors, at the first Club Night of the year, drawn, no doubt, to the wood sales but also for the opportunity to get together and exchange ideas and experiences.
This was the first Club meeting organised by the new committee, so several were on steep learning curves - but didn’t they do well! Thanks then to Brian Scrivens for so swiftly settling into the role of treasurer, taking your money for membership and for the sale of blanks. And thanks to Mick Caddick our new Challenge Master for taking on the role of organising the entries and the judging. Thanks to Colin Maiden and his helpers for providing and serving refreshments. Thanks to Mike Biddulph, for taking on the future organisation of refreshments, and to Kevin Rigby for organising the raffle.
Tool Sharpening
The focus of the evening was on that well known essential skill – that of sharpening tools. There were three opportunities to learn about different sharpening systems: There was an Axminster professional ultimate edge system, an adapted belt sander – doing much the same but at lower cost – and Club’s Tormek wet wheel grinder. You may of course be happy with a drystone grinder but it’s good to see the alternatives – each with its own advocate. Two folk who are new to wood turning were given an introduction to using the lathe.
Challenges and Display
There were tables displaying examples of turning by members:
The Display table held items not entered in the challenges.
The other tables held the entries for the Turners challenge (A Lidded Box) and the Advanced Turners challenge (A Lidded Box in the Style Demonstrated by Jason Breach).
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